The mastectomy in a reassignment of woman to man is about the removal of breast tissue and excess skin. Our surgeons have been trained in the Regional Hospital of Malaga, national reference center in public health for this type of surgery.

Before the surgery
The case will be evaluated individually to decide the most appropriate surgical technique for your breast size.
During surgery
The surgical intervention to correct the mastectomy is done in an operating room, in a clinic or hospital. It is necessary to enter at least 24 hours. The patient remains asleep during the surgery that is performed under general anesthesia.
The surgery usually lasts 2 hours approximately although it depends on the surgical technique used. The incisions may vary depending on the amount of tissue that needs to be removed or if it is also necessary to include skin reduction, in most cases a scar along the breast and the areola is relocated in place, in specific cases of breast small scar may be enough for the areola only. After the surgery some drainages and a bandage are placed around the thorax.
After surgery
It is possible to feel some discomfort several days, but these can be controlled with the medication indicated by the doctors. It will be swollen some time, to help reduce the inflammation will be indicated a strip that will have to wear for about a month.
It is important to return to normal as soon as possible. You should recover progressively and return to your usual activity when you are well, which could be in a few days after surgery. The sutures will be removed one or two weeks after surgery.
Frequently asked questions
We will advise you to limit your physical activity at the beginning, avoiding heavy exercises for a month. In general, at 6 weeks you can already perform a normal physical exercise.
When breast reduction surgery is performed by a qualified plastic surgeon, the complications are infrequent and minor. As with any surgery, there are always certain risks. These include as most frequent: infection, skin lesions, excessive bleeding, and the appearance of seromas. The procedure can cause visible scars, pigment changes in the area of the breast, or slightly asymmetrical breasts and nipples. The sensitivity of the areola is usually compromised